| Linked image missing alternative text - 10 | added alt attribute to each image
| | | | Empty heading - 1 | removed unnecessary heading code
| | | | Missing alternative text - 1 | The structure of this test tool,, does not permit the map to load. The accessibility error is on the Google Maps error message. This is not normally on the site and is not an issue.
| | | | Alert - Missing first level heading - 1 | Added page title of each page as H1 element.
| | | | Alert - Suspicious alternative text - 4 | Added descriptive alt attributes.
| | | | Alerts - Possible heading - 11 | The Wave tool is flagging 11 paragraph elements that it expects to be headers, but are not.
| | | | Alerts - Redundant link - 10 | Added code to remove mobile versions of links from page code on desktop view and vice-versa on mobile.
| | | | Alerts - Redundant link - 10 | There are items that are intentionally redundant links so that the majority of visitors are able to get to the chosen content via multiple methods. These include icons next to titles and images next to buttons.
| | | | Skipped heading level - 1 | Updated heading to H3 and H4 and H5.
Wave is concerned with missing H6, but that is not a necessary element.
| - Error Fixed
- False Positive
| | | Redundant title text - 2 | updated Title attribute to be different from button text
| | | | Redundant title text - 1 | updated link title to have clearer meaning
| | | | Redundant title text - 1 | updated link title to have clearer meaning
| | | | Redundant title text - 1 | updated link title to have clearer meaning
| | | | Possible heading - 2 | updated Strong tag to H5
| | | | Low contrast between link hover and background colors in footer - 16 | Footer link hover colors changed to a darker shade
| | | | Low contrast between text and background of mobile header button - 1 | Hover colors changed to show more contrast between text and background
| | | | Low contrast between background and heading font color - 9 | Heading font color changed to darker shade
| | | | Low contrast between text and background on home page - 9 | Colors reviewed. Error accounts for darkest shade in background image. Contrast between foreground and background is clearly legible.
| | | | Low contrast between background and active link in header | Header background changed to less transparent, link colors made darker. Error accounts for darkest color in background image, contrast between foreground and background is clearly legible.
| | | | Low contrast between background image and h2 text | Colors reviewed. Error accounts for lightest color in background image which does not interfere with text. Text is clearly legible.
| | | | Very Low Contrast - 1 | Changed color of links in footer to have better contract with background color
| | | | Very Low Contrast - 1 | Increased font size and weight on BreadCrumbs to passing AA level for normal text
| | | | Missing Label on Form Elements - 6 | Added Label for each element. Used existing CSS to remove label for visual users.
| | Rob Dobson | | Duplicate labels for form elements - 16 | Added code to remove mobile versions of forms from page code on desktop view and vice-versa on mobile.
| | Rob Dobson | | Linked image missing alternative text - 3 | Added ALT text to ads on home page.
| | Rob Dobson |